About pvadmin

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So far pvadmin has created 225 blog entries.

Jude – Contend for the Faith

The 21st century North American Christian world is well supplied with good solid inspirational devotional material.  The short New Testament letter written [...]

Jude – Contend for the Faith2019-08-12T14:23:30-05:00

Pastoral Announcement

This Sunday at PV there was an important pastoral update that was communicated to the congregation. You can listen to a recording [...]

Pastoral Announcement2019-07-31T12:29:12-05:00

2nd John – Truth in Love

Pastor Jesse speaks examines the book of 2nd John and discovers how both truth and love are central to the Christian life.

2nd John – Truth in Love2019-07-14T14:00:03-05:00

Focus on Jesus

After spending much time personally engaging in the book of Colossians during his sabbatical, Pastor Darren challenges the whole church family to [...]

Focus on Jesus2019-06-28T13:11:25-05:00

One Life to Live

Guest speakers Harold & Wendi Park of Forever Families explain how their ministry is mobilizing and equipping the church to help children [...]

One Life to Live2019-06-28T12:35:15-05:00