About pvadmin

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So far pvadmin has created 225 blog entries.

Psalms: Jesus in the Psalms

Pastor Jesse continues our series on the book of Psalms and explores how Jesus is central to the story of the Bible [...]

Psalms: Jesus in the Psalms2019-06-26T12:38:25-05:00

Psalms: Worship in the Waves

In times of distress, it can feel as through God has forgotten about us. Pastor Mike examines the Psalms to see David's [...]

Psalms: Worship in the Waves2019-03-31T23:31:38-05:00

Hebrews 12

Guest speaker Professor Patrick Friesen of Steinbach Bible College takes us through Hebrews 12 and reminds us to fix our eyes on [...]

Hebrews 122019-03-31T23:36:46-05:00

Psalms: The Power of Story

Before we were artist and musicians, we were story tellers. In this sermon, Pastor Jesse looks at Psalm 105 and how it [...]

Psalms: The Power of Story2019-03-31T06:26:55-05:00

Psalms: For the Nations

In this short devotional before the EMC day of prayer for Missions, Pastor Mike explores God's missionary heart found in the Psalms. [...]

Psalms: For the Nations2019-03-30T23:55:22-05:00

Psalms: Honestly…Messy

Pastor Jesse introduces our upcoming Psalms series by taking a birds eye view of the book and showing how - through the [...]

Psalms: Honestly…Messy2019-02-12T16:48:51-06:00

Baptism: February 3, 2019

This February at Pleasant Valley we celebrated the baptism of these three young people.The service took place on Sunday, February 3rd, [...]

Baptism: February 3, 20192019-10-11T18:45:54-05:00

Unity Through Humility

Pastor Mike takes a look at the apostle Paul's call to unity within the early church.  Why should Christians work towards unity? [...]

Unity Through Humility2019-01-29T14:45:48-06:00

A Humble Saviour

Pastor Darren continues to explore the concept of Humility - this Sunday from an all together different angle. He uses the relatively [...]

A Humble Saviour2019-01-29T12:06:24-06:00