Modern Fear • The Fear of Passionless Monotony
Pastor Jesse wraps up the series on modern fears. Fear of Passionless Monotony is a big, looming, existential fear - "what if [...]
Pastor Jesse wraps up the series on modern fears. Fear of Passionless Monotony is a big, looming, existential fear - "what if [...]
Pastor Mike continues the series on Modern Fears. From a young age we are told that with enough effort, practice, drive and [...]
The most consistent challenge from God to humanity as recorded in both the OT and the NT is: Do not be Afraid! [...]
Brenden Johnson speaks on the balancing act between truth and grace. This is a constant struggle for us - as parents and [...]
In Psalm 8 King David identifies several life principles instituted by God, that continue to surprise him. Pastor Darren explores these life [...]
On September 30th, 5 children were dedicated in a Parent/Child dedication service! This is bigger than just a simple ceremony or [...]
We don't like to talk about fearing God. It makes us uncomfortable - what is that supposed to mean? Fear seems like [...]
How could ‘being persecuted’ be considered a blessing? This is the last message in our series on the beatitude statements of Jesus [...]
Pastor Mike continues the summer series exploring the 9th beatitude. What does it mean for the Christian to be salt and light [...]
Pastor Mike continues the series summer series exploring the 7th beatitude. In a world filled with conflict what does it look like [...]