About pvadmin

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So far pvadmin has created 227 blog entries.

Blessed • Peace in the Kingdom

Pastor Mike continues the series summer series exploring the 7th beatitude. In a world filled with conflict what does it look like [...]

Blessed • Peace in the Kingdom2018-09-13T15:05:52-05:00

Blessed • Purity in the Kingdom

Pastor Jesse looks at the 6th beatitude.  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.  As we've been climbing this spiritual [...]

Blessed • Purity in the Kingdom2018-09-13T15:04:47-05:00

Blessed • Mercy in the Kingdom

Mercy in the Kingdom.  Is there something that sets the quality of Mercy apart from other Kingdom qualities such as Grace or [...]

Blessed • Mercy in the Kingdom2018-09-13T15:03:37-05:00

Blessed • Hunger in the Kingdom

Pastor Jesse speaks on the 4th beatitude: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Hunger [...]

Blessed • Hunger in the Kingdom2018-09-13T15:01:02-05:00

Northern MB Missions Trip

From June 24 - July 1, 2018, the PV Senior Youth went up to Midway Bible Camp to serve their ministry [...]

Northern MB Missions Trip2018-07-27T16:58:04-05:00

Blessed • Strength in the Kingdom

Jesus gives us another upside down statement in Matthew 5:5.  'Blessed are the Meek for they will inherit the earth'.  And everything [...]

Blessed • Strength in the Kingdom2018-09-13T14:53:03-05:00

Blessed • Reality in the Kingdom

Really?  How could Jesus say, 'Blessed are those who mourn ...'  How can pain and sorrow and grieving and incompleteness and emptiness [...]

Blessed • Reality in the Kingdom2018-09-13T14:52:15-05:00

Blessed • Entering the Kingdom

Pastor Jesse takes on Jesus' first beatitude: Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. This phrase [...]

Blessed • Entering the Kingdom2018-09-13T14:51:24-05:00