About pvadmin

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So far pvadmin has created 224 blog entries.

Think Different – Life

This Sunday we jump back into our Think Different sermon series. Pastor Dion explores the question of "How are Christians Called to [...]

Think Different – Life2024-08-27T09:18:23-05:00

Camp Sunday

For the past couple of weeks, Pleasant Valley along with the other local churches have put on two weeks of camp for [...]

Camp Sunday2024-08-12T08:45:19-05:00

Think Different – Money

Pastor Jesse continues our series "How do Christians Think Differently About ______?" This Sunday Pastor Jesse dives into Matthew 6:19-24 and asks [...]

Think Different – Money2024-08-12T08:45:43-05:00

Hope for the Next Generations

EMC Director of Next Gen, Mo Friesen speaks this morning about the Hope that we can see and have for the next [...]

Hope for the Next Generations2024-07-22T09:38:57-05:00

Sr. Youth Mission Trip Report

The Sr. Youth returned home from their Mission Trip to Loveland Colorado last night. This morning we get the chance to hear [...]

Sr. Youth Mission Trip Report2024-07-09T12:10:42-05:00

Think Different – Our Government

This morning Darren Plett continues our series of thinking different about __________, by looking at how Christians are called to think different [...]

Think Different – Our Government2024-08-06T09:32:23-05:00

Think Different

This morning Pastor Jesse introduces our new summer series titled, "Think Different." Pastor Jesse opens up the question asking, how are we [...]

Think Different2024-08-14T15:50:06-05:00