About pvadmin

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So far pvadmin has created 224 blog entries.

The Giftings of The Holy Spirit

This week Pastor Jesse brings us back into our informal series about the Holy Spirit. Pastor Jesse shares with us about the [...]

The Giftings of The Holy Spirit2024-06-10T09:04:00-05:00

Baptism Sunday – Anchored

This morning we have the first of our two baptism Sunday's. Pastor Dion leads us in a devotional encouraging us to be [...]

Baptism Sunday – Anchored2024-06-04T08:50:16-05:00

Pentecost – The Holy Spirit Part 2

Pastor Jesse follows up Pentecost Sunday last week by continuing to speak about the Holy Spirit. He walks us through the story [...]

Pentecost – The Holy Spirit Part 22024-05-27T13:57:22-05:00

Pentecost Sunday – The Holy Spirit

Today, on Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Jesse speaks from Jesus' teaching on the Holy Spirit found in John 14. Specifically highlighting the questions [...]

Pentecost Sunday – The Holy Spirit2024-08-06T09:34:22-05:00

Parent Child Dedication

As we have a Parent Child dedication service, Pastor Jesse leads us in a devotional focused on; picking our destination, and being [...]

Parent Child Dedication2024-05-02T11:03:04-05:00

Easter Sunday

Pastor Jesse shares with us how the resurrection changes the way in which we view the cross.

Easter Sunday2024-04-02T10:01:50-05:00

Palm Sunday

Guest speaker Caleb Loewen speaks on Palm Sunday from Matthew 21 in preparation as we look ahead this week to Good Friday, [...]

Palm Sunday2024-03-25T10:11:18-05:00