Pleasant Valley Church Ministries

Current Opportunities to Serve



We are actively looking for one individual to join our streaming team. Please let one of the Pastors or Mike Thiessen know if you are interested. We are also always looking to train additional sound and video techs. Let us know if you'd like to learn!


We have opportunities to serve on our Worship Committee (Chair: Lori Friesen), Education Committee (Chair: Bertha Sawatzky), Missions Committee (Chair: Danae Parkinson) and Finance Committee (Chair: Jake Friesen). Connect with a member of those committees if you are interested.


If you would like to join the worship team as a singer or musician, and/or if you would be willing to lead music at the Heritage (seniors centre), talk to the worship committee


1 individual to the board.

Board is made up of 2 reps each from REMC, RFC, PV, and Rosenort Chamber

Talk to Pastor Jesse if your are interested


One individual to the board.

Talk to Pastor Jesse if you are interested.


Our youth programs are a core part of our calling as a church body to disciple, mentor, and connect relationally across generations. We run weekly youth programming for youth in our church and the community from Grades 7-12, as well as a more casual young adults group.

Junior Youth


Junior Youth runs during the school year on Mondays for youth in Grades 7-9 with a mixture of Bible Studies, Service events, Games, and Small Group Nights. Connect with Pastor Dion if you would like to know more.

Senior Youth


Senior Youth runs during the school year on Wednesdays for youth Grade 10-12. Highlights include youth retreats, Abundant Springs, and missions trips. Connect with Pastor Dion if you would like to know more.

Sunday school


Sunday School runs throughout the school year, and meets at 9:45 AM in the church before our morning service. We have classes for ages 3 through to Grade 12, as well as a group bible study for adults. Connect with our Education Committee or one of our Pastors to learn more.

Church Groups

Pleasant Valley Church has a variety of other groups and events throughout the year, including potlucks, picnics, a men's work weekend to Gem Lake Bible Camp, retreats, and more. A few significant groups and events are highlighted below

Moms Group


Mom's Group is a weekly morning Bible Study, usually held at the church. Moms of young children (newborn to early school aged) gather together to study, encourage, and fellowship over coffee.

Other Events

Our Christian Fellowship Committee plans a variety of events through the year, including mens prayer breakfasts, retreats, ladies fellowship events, holiday celebrations, a fall picnic, as well as coordinating our Sunday morning coffee times.

Small Groups

Our church runs a variety of intergenerational small groups for study and fellowship. If you are interested in joining or forming a group, get in touch with one of the Pastors.

Volunteer Opportunities

We believe that members of the body are called to contribute in the ways that God has gifted them. There are many ways to plug in at Pleasant Valley, and we encourage all those who sign our community covenant to find a way to get involved. Here is a sample of ways to plug in.

PV Committees

Pleasant Valley runs a variety of committees which are the engines that keep our programs running. From maintenance to missions, there is a spot for you! To find out how/where to get involved talk with Teresa Johnson or a member of the Review Committee

Sunday School

We run Sunday School classes from age 3-adult, and this wouldn't be possible without our many volunteers. Typically we aim to have 2 teachers per classroom. To get involved, talk with a member of the Education Committee

Sound Tech

Sound techs are a part of a monthly rotation running sound on Sunday Morning as well as for special events (funerals, weddings etc.). If you've got an ear for music, and enjoy technology, this would be a great fit! To join, contact a member of the Worship Committee

Video Tech

Video techs are responsible to set up and run the video presentation for Sunday mornings, including song lyrics, sermon presentations, and videos. A great first step in getting involved, we often have Junior and Senior youth in this role. To join, contact a member of the Worship Committee

Streaming Tech

Streaming techs are responsible for managing our livestream broadcast. This includes remotely operating our camera, and monitoring the feed to our Facebook stream. To join, contact a member of the Worship Committee

Worship Chair

The worship chair ensures the service runs smoothly, welcoming people and walking through announcements, as well as leading the church in a time of prayer and sharing. If you feel you are gifted in this area, connect with Pastor Jesse!


Ushers are an essential role in our church, helping people feel comfortable and welcomed as they enter into the church and get seated. Their practical responsibilities include administering offering, and bringing the mics around during sharing. To join, talk to an usher.

Praise & Worship

Our praise and worship teams include a mix of young and old, from hymns and quartets, to modern worship with drums and electric guitar. If you play an instrument or sing, and would be interested in joining a group, contact someone on the Worship Committee

Youth Sponsoring

Our senior and junior youth groups meet weekly to provide discipleship, mentorship, and relationship to youth in our church and community. Youth sponsors are called to help with planning, games, and serving, but most importantly to build relationship and connection with the youth. To join, talk with Pastor Dion.

Seniors Ministry

We serve the seniors in our community in many ways: through Tuesday evening devotionals and singing, Sunday morning services at the Heritage, and singing groups and devotionals at the Morris Lodge. To get involved, connect with our Missions Committee or Leadership Team

Community Boards

Members from PV represent our church on several community boards including our local MCC (Morris), the Rosenort Housing Corporation (Seniors Centre) and Living Fountain Bible Camp.

Meal Train

We provide meals to families in our church and community going through times of transition. Families with new babies, or going through the loss of a loved one. We also provide meals in special situations where there are long term health or social issues. To get involved, talk to Natalie Rance.

Community Initiatives

We believe in not only serving our own church community, but also the larger community of Rosenort and surrounding areas. Some of the programs we are involved in running are.


Our community runs an AWANA program for children in Grades 1-6. The program runs out of the Rosenort School on Wednesday evenings, and is staffed by volunteers. For more information, you can contact the AWANA coordinator, Vicki Eidse.

Living Fountain

Bible Camp

Run in partnership with four other churches (REMC, RFC, RCC and MFC), the Living Fountain Bible Camp runs for two weeks in August on Longbow Lake in Ontario. Kids Week is for Grades 3-6, and Teens Week for Grades 7-9.

Seniors Care Group & Sunday Services

Our Church serves in a rotation with other community churches to provide weekly Tuesday Evening care group devotionals and snack, as well as Sunday morning services, including music and a sermon. We also provide an afternoon service and devotional in rotation with Morris, Lowe Farm and Rosenort churches at the Morris Lodge.

Pleasant Valley Committees

The PV Executive Committee is made up of the chairs of our various committees.

  • Brenden Johnson - Congregational Chair
  • Jake Friesen - Finance Committee
  • Stacey Friesen - Fellowship Committee
  • Bert Kornelson - Maintenance Committee
  • Teresa Johnson - Review Committee
  • Danae Parkinson - Missions Committee
  • Lori Friesen - Worship Committee
  • Bee Sawatzky - Education Committee
  • Pastor Jesse & Pastor Dion
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